Huge murals, small pop-up sculptures and ruin bars filled with haphazard decorations – Budapest is full of urban art. Striking paintings illuminate the city, the ancient firewall becomes a giant screen, and strange characters appear from nowhere.
Near the synagogue on Rumbach-Sebestyén street, in the neighborhood named after the Habsburg king, a delicate portrait of Empress Elizabeth greets you. Erzsébetváros, or „Elizabeth City”, is now filled with impressive street art. Nearby is a huge mural celebrating the Hungarian football team’s famous victory over England in 1953. The action was captured along with newspaper reports of the time.
Across the street is a painting of a Rubik’s cube, a reminder that its code can be broken after 20 rounds. As their Hungarian inventor Ernő Rubik explained to the audience: „There is always a solution – not just one.”

Budapest Rumbach Sebestyén u. 5.